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24-Hour Competent Person Fall Protection Training 2/18 CV

ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility, 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA, United States

24-HOUR COMPETENT PERSON FALL PROTECTION TRAINING Begins February 18, 2025 |  7:30AM – 4:00PM In Accordance with ANSI Standard Z359.2 (Conforms to the 24-Hour Training Requirements of the EM-385-1-1 2014 Edition) This 24-hour training is in accordance with 29CFR 1926 and EM-385-1-1, introducing students to the USACE EM385-1-1 Safety & Health Standards, as well as Virginia and Federal Construction Safety Standards and Regulations covering Fall Protection. This course includes classroom instruction in addition to the required 8-hours of practical hands-on training. Topics Include: – An integrated study of hazard recognition and abatement principles related to falls on construction worksites. – Available equipment, equipment use, maintenance, storage and inspection requirements to maintain compliance – Basic rescue techniques and emergency action procedures – The study of compliance issues and challenges facing safety professionals including mishap and case study analysis, Virginia and Federal general safety standards, worksite inspections, interfacing with compliance officials, vertical and horizontal standards, and common construction industry compliance issues are also discussed. Additional Topics Include: – Equipment selection, Inspection and Donning – Fall Prevention/Restraint/Arrest – Fall Hazard Elimination – Passive v. Active Systems – Fall arrest rescue systems – Selection and usage on non-certified anchorages – Authorized persons’ duties and […]

Get Tickets $595.00 – $800.00

OSHA 502 – Update for Construction Industry Trainers 2/18 HR

ABC-VA Hampton Roads Training Facility, Chesapeake 530 Independence Parkway, Suite 500, Chesapeake, United States

OSHA 502 - UPDATE FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OUTREACH TRAINERS This is a Chesapeake Region Safety Council course - REGISTER HERE February 18 - 20, 2025 | 8:00AM - 4:00PM Offered by Mid Atlantic OTI Education Center, this course will be held at the ABC-VA Hampton Roads Training Facility, Host Training Organization This course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program.  The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations.  Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes. Student Contact Hours: 18 Prerequisites:  OSHA #500 Trainers Course in OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry. Authorized Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend this course once every four years (4) to maintain their trainer status.  Prior to registration, students must provide a copy of their current Outreach Training Program trainer card […]

Virginia Cross-Connection Device Worker Certification Course 3/3 CV

ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility, 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA, United States

ABOUT THIS COURSE Begins Monday, March 3, 2025 As of January 1, 2023, persons testing and repairing backflow prevention assemblies and backflow prevention devices shall be certified by a Commonwealth of Virginia tradesman certification program (identified by DPOR as backflow prevention device workers). This 40-hour course is designed to help participants understand backflow and recognize cross-connections, placing special emphasis on preparing individuals to test, inspect, and provide in-line maintenance of reduced pressure principle backflow prevention devices, double check valve assemblies, and pressure vacuum breakers. * This course has been approved by the Board for Contractors, Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation in accordance with the provisions of 12 VAC5-590-630. **LIMITED TO 12 PARTICIPANTS** SCHEDULE March 3, 10, 17, 24 & April 7, 2025 (Mondays) 8:00AM – 5:00PM Online registration will close Friday, February 28 at 1:00PM Please note: lunch is NOT included. LOCATION ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228 COST Member – $995 Non-Member – $995 **Please note: cost includes instruction only.** CANCELLATION/SUBSTITUTION POLICY Please note that a reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancellations are made by 5:00PM on Monday, February 24, 2025. Substitutions are welcome at any time if the originally […]

Submittal Management Seminar 3/12 HR

ABC-VA Hampton Roads Training Facility, Chesapeake 530 Independence Parkway, Suite 500, Chesapeake, United States

SUBMITTAL MANAGEMENT SEMINAR Wednesday, March 12, 2025  |  11:30AM – 1:30PM  |  Lunch provided Learn to correctly complete the submittals process insuring on-time and in-budget construction. This seminar will provide information on the responsibilities of suppliers, subcontractors, general contractors, architects, and engineers. Attendees will learn how to create proper submittal packages from start to finish using contract documents as well as learn key details that can save the company time and money. This seminar is geared towards subcontracting firms and supplier companies who would like more insight into how the submittal process works and how they can achieve timeliness and success with their packages. Learn the role and importance submittal packages have in the construction process and how to achieve an approval the first time. INSTRUCTOR - Eric Rash, Submittal Manager, Heartland Construction, Inc. As Submittal Manager, Eric is responsible for overseeing the submission and approval process of technical documents, including shop drawings, product data, and samples for construction projects. This role involves ensuring all submittals comply with project specifications and contract requirements, coordinating with architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers to facilitate effective communication and timely approvals. LOCATION ABC-VA Hampton Roads Training Facility 530 Independence Parkway, Suite 500, Chesapeake, VA […]

Get Tickets $67.00 – $97.00

Project Closeout Seminar 3/12 HR

ABC-VA Hampton Roads Training Facility, Chesapeake 530 Independence Parkway, Suite 500, Chesapeake, United States

PROJECT CLOSEOUT SEMINAR Wednesday, March 12, 2025 |  2:00PM – 4:00PM Learning how to successfully close out a project is an essential aspect of this business. Each student will leave with the skills and confidence to create and implement a logical process and an efficient environment that will promote a complete close-out. This seminar is for administrative employees, superintendents, and project managers of general contractors and specialty contractors. Attendees will learn: • The “Ten Commandments” of project close-out • Project close-out strategy • The project close-out timeline • Field operations specifics • The engineering close-out matrix • The financial close-out matrix • The project close-out scorecard • The 10-month walk-through process • The instructor’s focus will be teaching this organized and logical process and providing students with a solid basis to improve closing out their projects. INSTRUCTOR – Eric Rash, Submittal Manager, Heartland Construction, Inc. As Submittal Manager, Eric is responsible for overseeing the submission and approval process of technical documents, including shop drawings, product data, and samples for construction projects. This role involves ensuring all submittals comply with project specifications and contract requirements, coordinating with architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers to facilitate effective communication and timely approvals. LOCATION ABC-VA Hampton Roads […]

Get Tickets $67.00 – $97.00

NFPA 70e Electrical Safety Training 4/24 CV

ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility, 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA, United States

NFPA 70E ELECTRICAL SAFETY TRAINING Thursday, April 24, 2025  |  12:00PM - 4:00PM This training will introduce your workers to the basics of how electricity functions and how to work around it safely. Electricity is an essential part of our everyday life. From heating and cooling, computers, tools, televisions and more, electricity makes our world possible. Electricity is so much an integral part of everyday life that we tend to overlook its dangers. (Additional OSHA resource on “Controlling Electrical Hazards” is included in discussion) The purpose of this training program is to familiarize workers with best practices when working around electricity, how electricity works, and its hazards. Electrical Safety Training Class Topic Overview: • Overview of how electricity works • Definitions of common electrical terms • Overview of grounding • How to avoid electrical shock • Electrical shock injuries • Safety rules when working with electricity • Working with generators safely • Personal Protective Equipment for electrical work • Lockout/Tagout and hazardous energy • What to do in an electrical emergency • OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K compliant Course Outcomes After completing this training, your employees will be certified in understanding the OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926 Subpart […]

Get Tickets $300.00 – $375.00

Blueprint Reading 102 5/6 NV

ABC-VA Northern Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Northern Virginia Training Facility, 42680 Trade West Drive, Dulles,, VA, United States

BLUEPRINT READING 102 Begins Tuesday, May 6, 2025  |  4:00PM - 7:00PM This course is designed to advance those with the fundamental skills and theories from the basic blueprint reading class (Blueprint 101) that is essential for print reading experience in heavy commercial construction. The textbook and actual project drawings used for this course present and reinforce the concepts of elements commonly found on prints of large structures. The topics to be covered in these sessions include, but are not limited to, the following: • Working Drawings and Drawing Concepts • Types of Construction • Specifications • Sitework • Structural Steel Construction • Reinforced Concrete Construction • Mechanical and Electrical Systems • Finish Construction • Trade Competency Tests and Review Questions SCHEDULE Eight-Day Program: May 6, 13, 20, 27 June 3, 10, 17, 24 4:00PM - 7:00PM COST Member - $370 Non-Member - $540 Includes textbooks and blueprints SUBSTITUTION/CANCELLATION POLICY Substitutions are welcome at any time if the originally registered individual can no longer attend. Please note that a reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancellations are made 48 hours in advance. Questions? Contact Shaye Currie

Get Tickets $370.00 – $540.00

OSHA 30-Hour Course 5/8 CV

ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility, 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA, United States

OSHA 30 HOUR COURSE Begins May 8, 2025  |  8:00AM – 4:00PM Would you like to learn how OSHA regulations affect your jobsite? Enroll in our OSHA 30-Hour course and prepare yourself for the OSHA inspection you are not expecting. OSHA 30-Hour is structured for anyone in a supervisory position in the construction industry but also provides comprehensive safety training for all workers. Safety training is a necessity in this industry and is increasingly becoming a requirement on many projects. Knowing OSHA regulations ensures jobsite safety and prevents mishaps and OSHA fines. The OSHA 30 Hour Course combines important textual information with relevant, real-life examples from the field and video presentations. Enroll and learn OSHA regulations and receive your OSHA 30-Hour completion card. SCHEDULE 4-Session Course: May 8, 13, 15 & 20, 2025 8:00AM – 4:00PM Continental breakfast, pre-packaged snacks, coffee/water and boxed lunch provided LOCATION ABC-VA Central VA Training Facility 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228 COST Member – $495 Non-Member – $695 CANCELLATION POLICY Please note that a reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancellations are made 72 hours in advance. Substitutions are welcome at any time if the originally registered individual(s) can no longer attend. Questions? […]

Get Tickets $495.00 – $695.00

Basic Rigging and Signal Person Safety Training 6/12 CV

ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility ABC-VA Central Virginia Training Facility, 1600 E Parham Road, Richmond, VA, United States

BASIC RIGGING AND SIGNAL PERSON SAFETY TRAINING Thursday, June 12, 2025  |  7:00AM - 4:00PM This training is for individuals who work under the supervision of a competent person and on a routine basis perform rigging work engaged in lifting loads other than rigging for special lifts, or the erection, dismantling, jumping or reconfiguring of cranes or all of these. This person is also trained to communicate guidance and direction to a crane operator in lifting, hoisting, moving, or releasing a load. Upon completion of this course, employees shall be able to demonstrate specific knowledge of the following: • Hand, voice and radio communications • Proficiency in hand and verbal signals, including the standard method for hand signals as required by ASME B30.3-2004, ASME B30.5-2007 and ASME B30.6-2003 • Rigging hardware, including: Hooks and similar attaching devices; shackles, clips, and clamps; and taglines • Synthetic/wire rope slings • Common load configurations and positioning • Personal fall protection methods • Emergency procedures • Hazards and restrictions associated with working adjacent to overhead electric lines and equipment. Attendees should provide their own rigging equipment. Doing so will provide the opportunity to learn how to properly use and inspect their own equipment. INSTRUCTOR […]

Get Tickets $110.00 – $145.00